
Экскурсия в Прилеп

In the excursion Prilep we will visit one of my favourite cities in Macedonia. The "tobacco city" has a rich history of more than 2500 years, and there are remains of different eras and civilizations. The rich history, the cosiness and unique landscape of the area, make this city a must-see in Macedonia.

Мы отправимся из Охрида и направимся в сторону Битолы, по пути выпьем чашечку кофе в семейном ресторане, и затем продолжим наш путь в Прилеп.


По приезду в Прилеп первым делом мы посетим мистический монастырь Трескавец. Построенный в 12th веке, он находится на высоте 1100 метров над уровнем моря, откуда открывается потрясающий вид. По дороге к монастырю мы увидим уникальные каменные формы, напоминающие неземной пейзаж, их можно встретить только в этом регионе.


From the monastery we will go to the city center where we will have a walk through the city and sit down for a delicious, traditional Macedonian meal. You will see the cozy turkish bazaar and the famous buildings of Prilep, like its clocktower and mosque.

Markovi Kuli (King Marko's towers)

Last, but not least, we will pay a visit to King Marko’s towers. The fortress was built by King Marko in the 13th century and sits on top of the hill above Prilep. From here you can see the whole city and area around it. King Marko definitely had a great taste. Be sure to not forget your photo camera.

Book this unique day trip to Prilep and get to know this charming city in Macedonia. Vik Experience, a better way of travelling.

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